A realistic Dream
I would like to begin by firstly acknowledging a good friend of
mine who unknowingly encouraged me to use this form of media as an expression
for the many varied forms of writing, musings, lyrics and stories that
constantly fill my already cluttered head. His blog is great and is one of the
few that I continue to read, because he does it for the love and the need to
write and express! You can follow the link here to check it out, if you
fancy! Joe really conveys the passion of a true lover of games, and is a
serious advocate for the genre. http://moviesgamesvidejoe.blogspot.co.uk/?m=1
Truth be told, this blog will be my outlet of creativity, like a balloon
blown to its maximum expenditure. Unless the air is released it explodes, quite
like my head, meaning this is my way to counteract an ungodly messy explosion
of brains in my living room, and also a way to share my writing with you.
I came to a realisation a while back, after finishing my 2nd
novel that being an author in the traditional sense was not for me.
I had the ideas, god knows, I had LOADS of ideas, but when
attempting to write down said ideas and expand them over 100 or so pages, I got
both overwhelmed and fatigued. I also came to the realisation (after only 30
years) that my attention span is ridiculously low, unless it comes to playing
music or playing games, or of course, conversing with my wife!
So as you can imagine, a low attention span does not bode well for
someone with aspirations of being an author. Now as I said earlier. I realised I
did not want to be an author in the “traditional sense” therefore, writing
novels, novellas in a standard chapter by chapter, unfolding stories
traditional manner. Instead I want to find my own way of writing, something original.
Yes, O.k its all a bit, two fingers to the air and a punk attitude, but screw
it, that’s me!
This leads me to the title of this first entry, “A realistic dream”
but it should more suitably be called “The death of a dream” because I will not
be a published or financially successful author (Not with that attitude Christopher)
I hear my secondary school form teacher say. but honestly, I won’t.
So with that pleasant thought in mind….. let me stop quickly, a
slight digression once more to explain myself to both you and myself. This is
not a negative outlook, quite the opposite to be honest, it’s an awakening, a pressure
less pursuit! I can feel free to write when I please, how I please in a way
that makes me happy, true creation. I know in myself that it is something that I
need. I make my living from the music industry, because I love it, but also a “FUCK
YOU!” to everyone who said I couldn’t! Music does in fact pay my bills, my
mortgage and put food on our table, contrary to what everyone told young Christopher
who first expressed the idea of being a musician as a career path.
I LOVE writing music and creating art, but my income is from
teaching percussion. Before I joined Plague Artists ( https://www.facebook.com/PlagueArtists/
) I used to be miserable simply teaching the same thing over and over, I almost
disliked my job (Almost) but once I had a creative outlet, I.E the band, I
began feeling rejuvenated and passionate about teaching once more….leading me
onto the point of this post and this blog in general!
Without the restraints and confines of conforming to the idea of a
traditional author mould, I can once again enjoy writing. So that is what this
is about!
Realising the unrealistic goal of being a traditional author,
letting that go, I can become an original and free writer. In more ways than
I will post my musings here with brief (yea right) commentary and explanations
as often as I wish, and it’s all free too! Win-Win for everyone!
Thanks for joining me at the ground level!
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